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Quainton News Archive - Quainton News No. 15 - March 1973

Society News

QN_15_01.jpg (74,796 bytes)

P I Clarke - Bodmin, 11 November, 1972

From our Secretary

Although our negotiations with BR for the purchase of the Up Yard are proceeding rather slowly we have some good news that shows that things are still on the move. We have now been allowed to purchase at a very reasonable rate all the track and fittings that are at present in position. We have been allowed to complete this purchase before the land sale and we feel that this shows good faith on both sides, once again emphasising our good relationship with BR. Thanks to your hard work on open days, donations and loans we have been able to pay for this track in full so we now own the track in both yards, marking another milestone in our history.

The completion of the foundations for the Wembley Building is the start of our program for providing covered accommodation for our relics. We hope that steady progress will be made on the erection of this building during the coming months. The main restoration building in the Down Yard is described briefly elsewhere in this News. This will be financed as a joint effort between the Society and a group of private owners. It is planned to have the frame and roof of this building put up by a contractor as part of an overall price, we will then add the sides and doors ourselves. Work on this should start between open days late Summer and when we have completed the track into the Wembley Building.

Don't forget 24th. March is the date of our AGM at the Sea Cadets Headquarters Aylesbury (next door to where we were last year in the New Friarage Hall). We have booked some jolly good railway films for the evening so do remember the date. Formal notice will be sent out in accordance with our Rules.

Locomotive Department

There were three additional locomotives moved into the depot in December, the Peckett twins on 12th and the modern fireless 0-4-0 from Laportes on 1st. This is Andrew Barclay makers No.2243, built in 1948 and it is in very good condition. Work has continued on L44 which had its side tanks removed on 12th November for firebox repairs. The old boiler has been taken out of Isebrook in the up yard. Bodmin is being prepared for hydraulic test. It is hoped to have the Hawthorn Leslie, Coventry No.1 and Sentinel No.7 in steam at Easter. The bearings on 4w Diesel 4428 have been replaced and she should be running again before the first steamings this year.

Sales Department

The Brill platform building has been taken over completely for the department and is being converted to a walk round shop by the well known contractors, Messrs. Harland and Hoskings Co Ltd. Don't forget to buy your copy of Peter Scott's Harrow and Stanmore book, the RCTS's LNER Locomotives Part 2A, and all the best magazines and books. A brand new Quainton Stock Book is coming shortly and it will have a full range of previously unpublished photographs. There will also be a Guide Book which will replace the illustrated programmes used on Open Days.

Operations Committee

Brief reference was made in News No. 14 to the meeting at Quainton Memorial Hall on 12th November. The aims of the meeting were to discuss communications between departments, to emphasise the paramount need for safety and to consider the drafting and implementation of rules for operating traffic. The problems of rostering duties and the definition of the duties themselves were debated and the vital importance of a responsible attitude was accepted by all members. It was a good 'meaty' meeting; the sort of stuff 'live' preservation occasionally needs to keep heads out of clouds.

Depot Committee

The major job of shovelling and placing concrete for the Wembley building must have discovered muscles which were not even suspected. Jolly good show chaps, says Ray Hedley. The faces we recognised as they straightened their backs belonged to :-

Peter Clarke     Chris Britten     David Tavener
Roy Miller     Roger Howard     Bob Randall
Ray Horsley     Mike Hanscomb     Nevill Royde
Chris Dorey     Frank Boait     Don Royde
Keith Evans     Guy Heap     Reg Uphill
Les Evans     Andrew Bratton     Peter Hosking
Peter Pugsley     Richard Darby     Don Murray
Derek Mulquin     Graham Boeking     Ted Rogers
Brian Stabler     Austin Harland     Dave Dunbar
Reg Waters Jnr     Mike Hatton     John Bunch
Mick Waters     Stuart Reed     Les Sherman

and not forgetting Anthea, Jane and Susan who kept the party fed and watered!

There's lots more to do to carry on the good work. How about you? Please turn up at Quainton whenever you can.

Permanent Way Department

Chris Britten, the Committee Chairman has been elected to the Executive Committee. Plans have been made for the Wembley shed road to come off the short siding immediately after the points at Quainton South. The points will be those from Southall and a check rail for the curve is the objective, but the special chairs are a problem to find. It is hoped to obtain FB rail for the shed and track will be laid on ordinary ballasted formation. South points will be realigned before Easter.

Carriage and Wagon Department

The 1973 programme will need plenty of help but with extra assistance the target can be achieved of having the LCDR coach in revenue earning service. Fred Poynter hoped to have his MSLR coach ready for Easter so, with luck, there will be a train of two six wheelers in action. Members interested in contributing to a fund of £140 to purchase an LMS design 1949 Wolverton built express fish van are invited to contact the new C & W Department Chairman, John Parsons. The van is M024108, a six wheeler and it is stored, condemned at Aylesbury [Note 1]. All members will wish Ivan Start, the retiring Chairman, good luck in the future and grateful thanks for his sterling efforts in past years to preserve our carriage and wagon stock. The Midland clerestory roofed composite brake coach has been purchased for the Midland Railway Project and will be moved to Derby.

Signal and Telegraph Department

The Editor seems to have given signalling a good 'Bash' this issue and all I will report is that the department has collected enough money, plus two welcome donations, to pay £26 for the Bicester box van which we are using as our own workshop and stores. Well done!

1 - This appeal was not successful and this vehicle did not come to Quainton.

The text in this Quainton Railway Society publication was written in 1973 and so does not reflect events in the 40+ years since publication. The text and photographs are repeated verbatim from the original publication, with only a few minor grammar changes but some clarifying notes are added if deemed necessary. The photos from the original publication are provided as scans in this internet version of this long out of print publication.

Society News - Quainton News No. 15 March 1973

Text © Quainton Railway Society / Photographs © Quainton Railway Society or referenced photographer
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