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Quainton Virtual Stockbook - Industrial Locomotives

F C Hibberd & Co.
Park Royal, London

F C Hibberd and Co. Ltd was formed in 1927 specifically to build industrial diesel locomotives . In about August 1932 the company acquired the drawings, patents etc. from the liquidator of James and Frederick Howard Ltd of Bedford who had built internal combustion locos from about 1923 to 1931. Hibberd moved to Park Royal in July 1932 and built locos to their own designs as well as those of Howard.

At one time much of the firm's production was exported and orders came from countries as wide apart as Australia and Finland. Also turned out of Park Royal works were many industrial tractors for use on airfields, railway stations and in docks and harbours. These and the railway locos bore the company's 'Planet' trademark.

In 1964 the Park Royal works was closed and all production moved to Butterley Engineering of Ripley, Derbyshire, who had previously absorbed the company. The last loco was constructed in 1968 although a spares service operated from Ripley for many years, with the last spares being disposed of for scrap in 1986. By good luck and timing some of these were recovered by members of the Ffestiniog Railway. The spares and rights to the Hibberd´s is now owned by Alan Keef Ltd and they have acquired most of the extant drawings.

Examples at Quainton

2102l.jpg (106,223 bytes) Hibberd 0-4-0DM No. 2102
walrusl.jpg (65,606 bytes) Hibberd 0-4-0DM No. 3271 Walrus
3765L.jpg (189,564 bytes) Hibberd 0-4-0DM No. 3765

Examples Previously at Quainton

genericloco.bmp (35,254 bytes) Hibberd 4wDM No. 2586

Text © Quainton Railway Society / Photographs © Quainton Railway Society or referenced photographer
Page first published in QRS publication "A Century on Rails" 1985.
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Page Updated: 16 September 2017