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Weighbridge Office and Table

Weighbridge01.jpg  (800,789 bytes) Weighbridge02.jpg  (680,935 bytes)

Tony Lyster - Weighbridge Hut from Aylesbury End
Tony Lyster - Weighbridge Hut from Calvert End

Possibly built a few years after the main station building, probably around 1900, this entirely blue brick typical weighbridge office still has a slate roof. It retains its original weigh-table (rated 12 tons) and balancing equipment. This was supplied by W & T Avery Limited. It bears the legend at each end and around the edge "To Weigh 12 Tons, W & T Avery Limited, Makers, London & Birmingham". It is still fairly accurate. The cast iron sectional platform is 12ft long and 6ft 6in wide, just right for a horse drawn coal cart or small lorry.

It has an original coal fireplace and now has electric lighting installed. The original cast iron guttering and downpipes have been replaced in plastic with down pipes, though these are currently in the wrong place, as they should both be at the Aylesbury end.

The Weighbridge - Quainton News No. 31 Spring 1977

Origin :- Great Central and Met Joint Date Built :- ???? Number :- N/A
Type :- Structure Builder :- ????? Owner QRS
Status :- Operational Location :- Up Yard

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Page Updated: 15 October 2017