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Quainton News Archive - Quainton News No. 46 - Spring / Summer 1982

Peckett 0-4-0 ST No. 2129 James

For Pastures New

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J M Hutchings - Peckett 2129

On 27th March the Peckett Standard R4 Class 0-4-0ST, maker's number 2129, built in 1952, left Quainton for a new life at the Rutland Railway Museum, Cottesmore, near Oakham in Leicestershire, where it will join three other Peckett products of different classes. Mick Hatton has had 2129 at Quainton since July 1974 and he has carried out a considerable amount of work on its restoration. When Mick bought the locomotive it had suffered considerably from four years exposure to the elements at Saxmundham following its purchase for preservation from Cranes of Ipswich. We hope 2129 will now be able to have a full overhaul and a return to steam at the Rutland Museum.

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J R Fairman - Winter 1975

Mick had intended 2129 to carry the names James, after his son, but the name was never applied. (Ed.)

The text in this Quainton Railway Society publication was written in 1982 and so does not reflect events in the 32+ years since publication. The text and photographs are repeated verbatim from the original publication, with only a few minor grammar changes but some clarifying notes are added if deemed necessary. The photos from the original publication are provided as scans in this internet version of this long out of print publication.

For Pastures New - Quainton News No. 46 - Spring / Summer 1982

Text © Quainton Railway Society / Photographs © Quainton Railway Society or referenced photographer
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