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Quainton News Archive - Quainton News No. 15 - March 1973

Book Reviews [Note 1]

"Country Like This" - a book of the Vale of Aylesbury which recalls the heritage which the residents of the Vale have so successfully preserved. 160pp, 31 photographs, 5 line drawings Price £3.12, or £2.37 in paper back, post free. This is a book the lovers of the Vale will treasure. It included a chapter on the Brill tramway. On p111 is a picture we supplied which shows Quainton Road Station and Museum. Obtainable from F Weatherhead & Son Ltd, 58 Kingsbury. Aylesbury.

"The Harrow and Stanmore Railway", by Peter G Scott. 7" x 5", 36pp, 15 photographs, a map and 2 diagrams, paper covers. Price 50p post paid, from the author. This is an excellent and accurate history of the well known branch which, so sadly, was closed. It includes 'Epitaphs for Stanmore Station' and an amusing short article titled 'Foul Deeds on the Belmont Branch'. Peter is a member of the QRS and his book, which is of exceptionally high standard, is highly recommended. It is available also, at the Station bookshop.

1 - Obviously we can no longer supply these items at the prices offered in 1973, if at all!

The text in this Quainton Railway Society publication was written in 1973 and so does not reflect events in the 40+ years since publication. The text and photographs are repeated verbatim from the original publication, with only a few minor grammar changes but some clarifying notes are added if deemed necessary. The photos from the original publication are provided as scans in this internet version of this long out of print publication.

Book Reviews - Quainton News No. 15 March 1973

Text © Quainton Railway Society / Photographs © Quainton Railway Society or referenced photographer
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