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Quainton News Archive - Quainton News No. 13 - September 1972

News in Brief

The former Metropolitan Vickers gas turbine locomotive, 18100 which was converted to an experimental electric locomotive, E2001 and had stood on the track with two LMS vans ½ mile west of Akeman Street station for at least three years was moved to Rugby on 10th May.

7715 was derailed on 29th May at South ground frame. All members are urged to read and study the report which has been prepared on this incident and to learn the lessons it tells.

The Quainton News is going a long way. Member Mr J E Leary has sent copies to his Parker cousins in Michigan, USA.

Mr F Brentnall confirms that the signpost still reads 'Winslow Road Station', see News No. 11, On the Verney Line, by Mr F S White.

1 - Obviously we can no longer supply these items at the prices offered in 1972, if at all!

The text in this Quainton Railway Society publication was written in 1972 and so does not reflect events in the 40+ years since publication. The text and photographs are repeated verbatim from the original publication, with only a few minor grammar changes but some clarifying notes are added if deemed necessary. The photos from the original publication are provided as scans in this internet version of this long out of print publication.

News in Brief - Quainton News No. 13 - September 1972

Text © Quainton Railway Society / Photographs © Quainton Railway Society or referenced photographer
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